We would like to thank Salon Ninety One Artist Paul Senyol for his incredibly generous contribution to the Sunflower Fund Charitable Gala held in association with KLUK CGDT. The Artist recently donated this beautiful mixed media on paper work titled, Yielding. We were extremely pleased to learn that the painting fetched an impressive sum on auction, which will result in 14 new donors being registered onto the SABMR.
The Sunflower Fund educates and registers stem cell donors, raise funds to cover the recruitment costs to grow an effective, ethnically diverse South African Bone Marrow Registry of healthy committed donors. For further information please see contact below:
Rasheda Van Den Hurk
Western Cape Events & PR Specialist
Tel: (021) 701-0661 / Cell: 079 898 8343 / Toll Free: 0800 12 10 82